Saturday, December 28, 2019

Mary Fisher s Speech A Whisper Of Aids - 886 Words

Mary Fisher’s speech entitled â€Å"A Whisper of Aids,† is an appeal to the emotional and political moods of the Republican National Conference on August 19, 1992. In this speech she talks about her disease, but unlike most people, who become depressed when they learn about contracting the disease, Mary Fisher stands up and fights for everyone who has AIDS as well as bringing the statics of HIV and AIDS to light. Mary Fisher’s speech can be analyzed from three different standpoints: structure, delivery, and appeal. Mary Fisher uses a topical organizational pattern throughout the speech, and I believe that she used this pattern so she could talk about the main points: ignorance, prejudice, and silence people view HIV/AIDS with, and the need for more of an awareness of the disease. I was able to pick up the main points by listening throughout the entire speech for topics. Mary Fisher’s introduction can be divided into the different parts of the introduction: attention getter can be found in her opening statement as well as revealing the topic, she establishes her credibility in the statement about not wanting to be HIV positive, and finally she previews her body when she says that HIV/AIDS does not care who you are. Much like the introduction the conclusion can be divided into its part as well, and these parts include letting the audience know the ending of the speech is coming, done when she says, â€Å"To all within the sound of my voice,† she ends her speech with a summarization,Show MoreRelatedMary Fisher: the Struggle to Inform1223 Words   |  5 PagesMary Fisher: The Struggle to Inform Demetris Vance ITT Technical Institute (Online Division) â€Å"A life lived in fear, Is a life half lived.† (Slaughter, 2010) AIDS is a worldwide epidemic that has affected and is affecting millions of people. Even though it was not discovered until 1982 many stereotypes have come along with it. Mary Fisher is an AIDS community member and is not afraid to stand up and say so. Defending and helping those with HIV/AIDS and helping them spread the word instead ofRead MoreA Whisper Of Aids, By Mary Fisher1369 Words   |  6 PagesLET MY STORY GROW LOUDER UNTIL AIDS ARE NO MORE: In this paper, I will dispute that in Mary Fisher s A Whisper of AIDS speech, the use of pathos and ethos assists in her demand to end the ignorance, prejudice and silence surrounding HIV/AIDS. I will discuss how she replaces the face of AIDS with her own, allowing the conservative crowd to connect with HIV/AIDS. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Stretch the Right Way Dynamic Stretching Essay examples

Did you know that the most common type of stretching, known as static stretching, can actually be more harmful to a person’s muscles than helpful? Researchers have discovered that â€Å"the old routine of holding a position for 20 to 30 seconds, actually weakens them† (Reynolds). So how should athletes warm up if stretching may actually be the cause of some injuries? Coaches and athletes should perform dynamic stretching rather than static stretching before performing activity or exercise because it reduces chances of injury, increases strength and range of motion, and has been proven to be safer and more efficient than static stretching. One main concern that runs through the mind of an athlete is receiving an injury due to the lack of†¦show more content†¦Dynamic stretching also â€Å"pulls your muscles and tendons elastically towards their limits allowing them to loosen up for activity† (â€Å"Dynamic†). This type of stretching also prepar es the muscles and joints for activity because it performs the types of movement that the body will repeat in the exercise at a more intense level. For example, the toy soldier stretch (alternate kicking legs up in front of body) helps warm the body up for sports like soccer because your legs and hip flexors will repeat that same motion when kicking the ball. According to Michael J. Alter, author of â€Å"Sport Stretch†, â€Å"most activities and movements are dynamic in nature† (Alter 12). With a proper warm up, the body is able to withstand a larger load resulting with a greater performance in the athlete as a result of being â€Å"warm†. Unlike static stretching, dynamic stretching increases power, flexibility and range of motion. According to Elizabeth Quinn, â€Å"dynamic stretching involves gradual increases in your range of motion and speed of movement† (Quinn). This is because with each movement your body takes, it is pushing slightly past you r tolerated range of motion. Therefore, because it is pushing to a point where it is not one’s normal limit, their muscles slowly adapt and become stronger and more flexible. With static stretching, many people are often fooled with theShow MoreRelatedTypes Of Flexibility And Physical Activity1503 Words   |  7 Pagesactivity? Is dynamic or static stretching more beneficial to flexibility? Flexibility is the range of motions in your joints. (Waehner) Dynamic stretching is more controlled movements. For example, leg and arm swings. Your goal with dynamic stretching is to bring the muscles as close to their range of motion as possible. (Stretches Definition, 2014) Static stretching consists of reaching an holding a stretch just beyond the normal range of motion. (Stretches Definition, 2014) Stretching is often usedRead MoreStretching Is Not Warming Up862 Words   |  4 PagesStretching is not warming up! 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Business Leading Chain Promising Industry

Question: Describe about the Business Leading Chain for Promising Industry. Answer: The problem Spicy Restaurant is a leading chain of restaurants that operate internationally. The business is primarily focused on delivering take away' and dine in' services to the customers. The business claims to deliver the best food to the customers. The restaurant industry is a very competitive but promising industry. Other than delivering good food, Spicy has adopted an innovative dining system to make its competitive edge over the competitors. Spicy is focused on making their customers delivering the best customer care service also (Baltzan et al., 2015). The marketing and sales management department of the business is facing challenges to increase the sales due to the competition in the market. Hence, it wants to increase the sales through innovating marketing and promotion ideas. Mobile commerce is a growing domain and Spicy is interested in utilizing the mobile commerce platform to increase sales and building a loyal customer base. Concept and Solution Spicy is a well-established business that has a brand value. It needs to focus on the marketing efforts to bring more customers to the restaurants. The proposed solution to the problem is the development of a mobile app for the customers. The Internet has become a robust communication channel. Spicy can utilize the power of the Internet and mobile apps to open up to their existing customer base as well as bring new customers to the restaurants. They want to put promotional offers like Free meal' for a limited number of customers and asking them to fill a form for participation. Spicy will collect and store the customer details for future promotions. Other than that, the business can use low-cost and highly-effective digital marketing tools like social networking sites for the promotion of advertisements, offers and so on. They are also interested in focusing on the mobile app platform to reach to more customers. Key Features of the App The key features of the proposed mobile app are, It will make the business visible and available to the customers for 24x7. People generally carry mobile devices with them all the time of a day. Hence, the mobile platform will help the business to be available to the customers at their convenience. The customers wont need to have access to a computer or laptop to use the app. A smartphone is enough to get connected. It will help to collect customers demographics more conveniently through app permissions and collecting data from the mobile devices. For examples, the app can take permission to access Facebook details of a customer. Then it can use the permission to collect the Friends of the customer from his/her Facebook profile and offer the customer to promote the business to the ;Friends just by a single click. The app will also help to build trust among the customers, communicating with the customers in real-time, building social recognition and business value. Branding and loyalty development are two important features of the proposed app. Business case The mobile app will help the Spicy restaurant business to solve their current problem related to building a larger customer base and using the online platform for marketing and promotions. Deployment of the mobile app and integration of the app with the social networking platforms will help to solve the current business problems. The solution is viable as it is a cost effective solution for the business. There are a few risks associated with solution for using the online platform for the business, for example, the data privacy, security issues, and risks of adopting cloud computing platforms and so on. However, the risks can be mitigated with proper approach and change management process. The app is targeted to increase the interactions and communication with the customers, leveraging customer demographic for the business. It will help the business to increase brand value and earning more revenue. Target audience The target audience of the app is the customers. Customers are the primary and very important stakeholder of any business. In restaurant and hospitality businesses, customers are the pivotal point to make a business profitable. Spicy is aimed at delivering the best services to their customers in all possible circumstances. They want to make the process as transparent as possible for the customers. So, the app will be used to deliver information about their foods, price and quality details. Customers will have the following benefits from the app, They can order food from the mobile app anytime. Hence, they can avoid long waiting lines and save their time. Foods can be ordered from home or any location. The delivery will be made to the requested location if it is within the servicing area of the business. The app will have menu off all dishes along with the description, images, and price and quality details. Customers can avail discounts and offered through the app while ordering food and making payments. Customers can get assistance in real-time from the mobile interface. The app will have an interactive map to help customers in finding the nearby Spicy restaurants while placing an order, locating the delivery location by pinning in on the map and so on. Staffs are another group of stakeholders who will also have positive impacts from the deployment of the mobile app for the business. Staffs will also have an exclusive portal in the app. They can resolve their problems related to the service and delivery by communicating with other staffs or by accessing the manager channel. Customers can rate the service and that will have an impact on the staffs who worked in the order. For example, the rating system may have categories for rating, like Food, Cooperation, and service of the waiters, Delivery service, hospitality and so on. If a customer rates good for food, then the staffs who prepared the food will also have a good rating. The rating system will help to keep the staffs motivated and dedicated to their work all the time. Strategic alignment within the organization's business and IT strategies The development and deployment of the proposed mobile app will help to align the business and IT of the Spicy restaurant strategically. Such alignment will help to automate partial business operations and make the process more cost-effective (Laudon and Laudon, 2011). Value proposition and other benefits The proposed app will help the business to connect with the customers, improving brand value and customer relationship management services. The app will also help the business to improve the productivity of the staffs. Hence, the app will help the business to grow by utilizing the current information and communication technologies. Another benefit for the business will be (Laudon and Laudon, 2011), Establishment of a stronger brand Increasing and maintaining the customers trust on the brand and the business Driving traffic and converting the visitors into customers. Building effective network like affiliate networks, business network and so on. Utilizing the digital marketing tools and social media for promotion of the business. Communicating with the customers online and over the app or over the social media Integrating the business platform with social media platforms. Infrastructure requirements including Development of the proposed app will require a suitable IT infrastructure for app design and development. The infrastructure requirements include, Development platforms The app will be developed for the Android and iOS based smartphones. Hence, for the Android version of the app will require the Android Studio or the Eclipse for Android development and deployment platform. The Android Studio platform is very large application compared to the Eclipse platform. But, the Android Studio platform is very rich with the features and functionalities for Android App development. For the development of the App for iOS, it can use the Swift based platform. Otherwise, there are various cross-platform app development solutions that offer development of an app for multiple OS from the same platform. Good Barber' is an example of such platform that supports Android and iOS app development from the same development platform (Baltzan et al., 2015). Coding languages and tools Android app can be developed using Java as a programming language. The iOS based app development can be done using Swift as a programming language. The development process will require tools like mock-up tools, prototyping tools and so on. Use of cloud services Cloud computing platforms can help the app development and deployment in various ways. For example, The app development platforms and most of the cross-platform app development environments are available as cloud-based solutions. It is usually offered as PaaS or Platform as a Service Solution. The app can be hosted and deployed on a cloud platform. It will offer more scalability, fault tolerance, and availability. The business can outsource partial or complete infrastructure to some third party. In that case, it will have a cost-effective infrastructure solution. Software design, development and testing strategies The app development will follow some suitable software development and testing strategies. Agile strategies are suitable for mobile app development for various reasons, The agile approach will focus on development and delivery of the solution, within the minimum possible time by maintaining all quality standards and fulfilling the requirements. The focus in given on delivery of the solution rather than documentation etc. It takes an incremental and iterative approach to development the app. Hence, the risks are reduced greatly and the app goes through multiple instances of review by the client. So, the chances of failure to meet the requirements are very low (Baltzan et al., 2015). It is flexible to allow changes and alteration during the development process. The testing strategy will have unit testing and integration testing. A beta version of the app will be realized first for checking the feedbacks from the end users and testing. The final version will be release after making the changes. Internationalization for a global market Internationalization of the app for global market of the business needs to consider the following points, Language is a barrier for internationalization of any business. Even though the English language is followed in almost all countries of the world, but that is available for business communication. To reach to the local people or the prospective customers, the app must have support for multiple languages other than the English language so it can cover the maximum of its targeted audience (Laudon and Laudon, 2011). For example, Spanish is another important language that must be supported by the business. The business process is distributed as there are multiple business units at various places in the world. The marketing and promotion should be centralized to bring the best out of it. There are various legal rules and regulations available in different countries. The business needs to consider and follow all of such regulations, rules and follow the standards. Social media integration strategies Social networks will be an important part of the proposed app and the marketing and promotion solution for the business. The platform must be connected to the social profiles of the business to bring the traffic from the connected social platforms Testimonials and reviews posted by the real cutovers is an important marketing and promotion tool. Such content is highly valuable for a business to gain visibility on the online platform and it also attracts other customers. Social networks can be utilized to connect and interact with the customers by answering their queries, acknowledging their feedbacks, posting time to time about the offers of the business. To promote seasonal and special offers, the social network platforms are very useful (Laudon and Laudon, 2011). Mobile SEO for mobile commerce must be utilized and followed to avail the benefits of the digital marketing campaigns. Risk management The risk management approach will be focused on the privacy, security, confidentiality, ethical issues related to mobile commerce and online platforms. Privacy of the personal data of the customers must be protected. The business will work on building and using a database of customer details. However, it will require compliances with the data privacy rules. The data must be protected and secured by the organization so that no unauthorized access is possible to the data. It must ask for the permission explicitly from the customers to send newsletters and promotional emails to them and using their data for marketing (Laudon and Laudon, 2011). Security of the computing infrastructure to be used by the business must have proper implementations of the data security solutions like firewalls, secure servers, encryptions, secure payments and ordering system and so on. It must ensure that there are no security loopholes and the unauthorized access is not possible. The payment solution must follow the protocols of secure communications. The business must also follow the ethical issues related to accessing and using digital data. For example, it must not disclose the customers data without permissions from the customers. Deployment and integration strategies The deployment and integration strategies will cover the roll-out plan, integration with the legacy systems mainly. There will be actually three phases of the roll-out. The planning is, To release the beta version for the customers first. To release the beta version with the additional features for the staffs and making the app available for the staffs and the customers. Based on the feedbacks of the stakeholders, especially the staffs and the customers, the final release of the app will be done with all features like support for multiple languages and so on. The app must follow the usability accessibility and user interface related issues. There will be a 24x7 technical support available for resolving technical issues related to the app. The integration phase will connect the app with the existing information systems of the business. User acceptance and change management Development and deployment of the proposed mobile app will require some major changes in the current business process. It will require more employees with specialized skills. The existing employees also need to learn the basic skills for working in an IT-driven business. For example, the new business process will require working 24x7. Hence, the work will be done in mostly multiple shifts. Resistance from the employees is a possibility here as it will make them feeling insecure about their job (Laudon and Laudon, 2011). There must be a well-planned change management process focused on, A well-defined change management process Communications between the staffs and the management and other stakeholders. Communications can help to keep stakeholders informed and understand the requirements and changes in the business process. Legacy systems Legacy systems are the information systems running for business from long ago and mostly collects transactional business data. The database management systems are good examples of legacy systems. The mobile app will be deployed over some cloud solution and it will require a middleware to be implemented between the legacy systems and the mobile app platform. The customizations of the mobile app and the data conversations between the app and the legacy systems and the databases will be handled by the middleware (Laudon and Laudon, 2011). Database integration The database integration will be focused on collecting transactional and operation data. The legacy database system must be extended to collect, store and process customer demographics, unstructured data from the social media platform and the legacy system. Enterprise data integration Enterprise Data Integration or the EDI will help to integrate and operate the existing and the proposed information infrastructure of the business. Maintenance The app will be maintained for, Helping the users to get help in using the app. Fixing the accessibility issues if reported Fixing the reported bugs Monitoring the performance of the app Monitoring the performance of the digital marketing campaigns. Future opportunities and enhancements The future opportunities of the app can be, Extending the functionalities of the app through collaboration with the supporting industry. Integrating features and functions for affiliate marketing. Extending the number of supported mobile payment solutions. Offering different types of delivery services based on the priorities of the customers. Giving more choices to the customers will help to bring customers from different backgrounds (Laudon and Laudon, 2011). Recommendations and conclusion It is recommended for the Spicy restaurant is to develop and deploy the proposed mobile app over a suitable cloud platform. It needs to follow the strategies for development, internationalization, and promotion of the app as suggested in the report. Mobile commerce is a growing field of e-commerce and the mobile technologies are also improving. Adoption of the mobile technologies and mobile platform for business will extend its current customer base, building a network of loyal customers and expanding the business internationally. References Baltzan, P., Fisher, J. Lynch, K. 2015. Business-Driven Information Systems, McGraw-Hill Education. Laudon, K. C. Laudon, J. P. 2011. Management information systems, Prentice Hall New Jersey.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

“Digging” Commentary Essay Example For Students

â€Å"Digging† Commentary Essay What determines the path a person chooses in life? In the poem â€Å"Digging†, Seamus Heaney expresses regret that he will not follow in his father, and grandfather’s footsteps in becoming a laborer, but instead would rather further his skills in writing. Heaney transmits this message through a variety of literary techniques. The central literary feature is the number of sensory images Heaney uses in order to convey all the aspects of the scene, which contribute to the reader’s understanding of the situation. Heaney also uses sound effects, unique structure, and shifts in verb tense to further communicate his message. â€Å"Digging† makes us consider the path we’ve chosen in life, and makes us understand that it’s okay to choose something different as long as it’s something we’re passionate about. In this poem, Heaney uses many sensory images in order fully convey his experience to the audience. The main tool he uses are visual images to create a picture in the reader’s mind. In line 4, he writes â€Å"gravelly ground†, which tells the audience the ground is probably not only soil, but also has sand and rocks in it. Another visual image is on lines 10-11, where the words â€Å"nestled†, â€Å"inside knee†, â€Å"levered firmly† show Heaney’s father was very comfortable with digging, and was second nature to him. In addition, on line 20, he writes â€Å"corked sloppily with paper.† which shows the paper was crumpled and corked quickly without much thought to the process. Finally, on line 26, the â€Å"curt cuts of an edge† create an image of the ground being divided perfectly into little squares. The second kind of imagery Heaney uses is tactile. On line 10, â€Å"coarse boot† provides something the reader can touch. Again, on line 14, we can feel the solidity and freshness of the potatoes: â€Å"their cool hardness in our hands.† Heaney allows us to feel exactly what he felt and makes us feel like we’re really there. Finally, the last tactile image he uses is on line 26, â€Å"Of soggy peat†, which produces a tingly feeling on your hands as if they were moist because of the peat. In order to complete our experience when reading this poem, Heaney also uses olfactory imagery. The â€Å"rasping sound† of the spade in the ground adds to the visual imagery because it provides two aspects of imagery to the scene, which creates a very clear picture in the reader’s mind. Also, the â€Å"squelch and slap† of the peat not only provides very specific sounds of the peat but also is an alliteration. Throughout the poem, Heaney uses many sound effects that add to the tone of the poem. In the first and second stanzas, he uses imperfect rhyming: â€Å"thumb†, â€Å"gun†, and also â€Å"sound†, â€Å"ground†, and â€Å"down†. However this rhyming scheme is only in the beginning of the poem because as the poem progresses, so does this scheme, and becomes less and less important to the message of the poem. In addition, the poet uses alliterations to add effect to the poem and keep it flowing while adding flair. The â€Å"spade sinks† into the â€Å"gravelly ground† creates a feeling of heaviness and emphasizes the weight of the soil. In stanza 6, the depth of the ground is emphasized through â€Å"down and down†, â€Å"digging†. This alliteration also produces a heavy atmosphere and adds to the challenge of digging. The structure of this poem is very important to the meaning and message Heaney is trying to convey. He starts out by talking about himself, then switches to his memory of his father digging which is where Heaney switches to the past. Halfway through the poem, he moves from his father, to his grandfather, and his skill at digging. Finally, in the last stanza, he switches back to the present, and brings the focus back to him and his career choice. .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920 , .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920 .postImageUrl , .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920 , .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920:hover , .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920:visited , .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920:active { border:0!important; } .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920:active , .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920 .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5c068d92c3b0ef1ac22e6fe7abc05920:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: 1914 war poem Essayâ€Å"Digging† is full of literary techniques, such as vivid imagery, specific sound effects, and exclusive structure, in order to emphasize the reasons for the poet’s path in life. Throughout the poem, Heaney realizes that his calling and skill in life is writing and not digging. He writes this poem in order to show off his skill and prove talent. This is truly shown in the last stanza when he presents the reader with â€Å"tool† which is his pen. Heaney will continue his work, digging apart his vivid memories through his expressive writing.