Friday, December 20, 2019

Stretch the Right Way Dynamic Stretching Essay examples

Did you know that the most common type of stretching, known as static stretching, can actually be more harmful to a person’s muscles than helpful? Researchers have discovered that â€Å"the old routine of holding a position for 20 to 30 seconds, actually weakens them† (Reynolds). So how should athletes warm up if stretching may actually be the cause of some injuries? Coaches and athletes should perform dynamic stretching rather than static stretching before performing activity or exercise because it reduces chances of injury, increases strength and range of motion, and has been proven to be safer and more efficient than static stretching. One main concern that runs through the mind of an athlete is receiving an injury due to the lack of†¦show more content†¦Dynamic stretching also â€Å"pulls your muscles and tendons elastically towards their limits allowing them to loosen up for activity† (â€Å"Dynamic†). This type of stretching also prepar es the muscles and joints for activity because it performs the types of movement that the body will repeat in the exercise at a more intense level. For example, the toy soldier stretch (alternate kicking legs up in front of body) helps warm the body up for sports like soccer because your legs and hip flexors will repeat that same motion when kicking the ball. According to Michael J. Alter, author of â€Å"Sport Stretch†, â€Å"most activities and movements are dynamic in nature† (Alter 12). With a proper warm up, the body is able to withstand a larger load resulting with a greater performance in the athlete as a result of being â€Å"warm†. Unlike static stretching, dynamic stretching increases power, flexibility and range of motion. According to Elizabeth Quinn, â€Å"dynamic stretching involves gradual increases in your range of motion and speed of movement† (Quinn). This is because with each movement your body takes, it is pushing slightly past you r tolerated range of motion. Therefore, because it is pushing to a point where it is not one’s normal limit, their muscles slowly adapt and become stronger and more flexible. With static stretching, many people are often fooled with theShow MoreRelatedTypes Of Flexibility And Physical Activity1503 Words   |  7 Pagesactivity? Is dynamic or static stretching more beneficial to flexibility? Flexibility is the range of motions in your joints. (Waehner) Dynamic stretching is more controlled movements. For example, leg and arm swings. Your goal with dynamic stretching is to bring the muscles as close to their range of motion as possible. (Stretches Definition, 2014) Static stretching consists of reaching an holding a stretch just beyond the normal range of motion. (Stretches Definition, 2014) Stretching is often usedRead MoreStretching Is Not Warming Up862 Words   |  4 PagesStretching is not warming up! 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